Sunday, September 16, 2012

Post #2 Gerov!

A: I definitely wouldn't have enjoyed the story as much, If there had been judgement's based on the character's actions. Especially if the story would end up with them being caught. The beauty of this story is the fact that Gurov and Anna can freely express themselves without any judgements or people frowning upon there actions. I appreciate it so much that Chekhov allows us to form our own developing characters Allowing the character to unfold freely . And making it almost impossible to judge them or their actions..

A: Yes it is very easy to see and understand that Chekhov wanted Gurov to unfold and allow him to reveal himself his sensitive side to us the readers. Yes, sympathizing with Gurov is what i believe Chekhov aims at the most. And he succeeds at it. Well, at least for this reader. I truly felt a connection to Gurov. To understand and have compassion for Gurov is what I believe Chekhov wanted the reader to do. My point of view of this story is simply to not judge one another based on our love life. We all have had a time when we've wanted to do something that was looked down on as sinful. Yet we never will do it. But others do. Point being, don't judge. Live and let other's live freely.

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