Saturday, September 15, 2012

blog post #2

Question 5.
I enjoyed both versions of the lady with the pet dog very much, they both had ways of making me feel very sorry for the characters. I did favor Chekhovs over Oates version though just because Gurov isn’t an emotional wreck, he’s a lot more composed through the story which I feel comes from him having multiple affairs before his affair with Anna. Also Chekhovs version was easier to follow the story started from the beginning unlike like Oates who jumped around and made the story hard to follow.

Question 6
I believe Oates offered up her side of the story because in Chekhovs it only shows Gurovs point of view, there are some parts where you see what Anna is going through you can tell she’s very sad and ashamed with herself for having an affair but you do not actually see where she comes from or the true emotion through her eyes. I feel Oates version is meant to accomplish in depth of what Anna is feeling something that wasn’t that emotional to Gurov became something very emotional through the Anna’s perspective. which I feel is the case in real life also women are almost always more emotional than men. I think the female perspective needed to be developed to show why Anna fell for another man while still being married. It isn’t an easy thing to make the reader feel somewhat sorry for the situation Anna is in. Most people would say she is a cheater and see her as nothing more than that but Oates had a way of making me see past it being morally wrong because in the end I just wanted to see Anna fall in love and be happy.

1 comment:

  1. In question 6 I think that Chekhov wrote it in Gurovs perspective so that the reader can feel the same way you felt towards Anna in that you become more sympathetic towards these characters rather than be judgemental towards them.
