Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mikael's Blog #3

Question 3: After seeing the physical transformation between Carol's choice of clothing between the acts, it seems that she was using her earlier clothing to make John think of her a certain way.  In this case, she was trying to make him think of her as the silly girl who didn't know what she was doing.  It's interesting that we were talking about John's inherent dishonesty in the intentions of asking her to his office multiple times.  We saw that he was only interested in getting her off his back, so he could continue the path to tenure.  However, as the play progressed, John's visage continually became more shabby and unprofessional.  As Zach mentions in his blog, by the third act John lights up cigarettes and drinks alcohol in his office.  This in itself shows the great amount of stress that's being pushed onto John in this small space of time.  He is a defeated man, and I could only wonder if there was any modicum of guilt in his actions.  While he may have been inviting her in to get her off his back, he was still begging her to let him go.  It's easy enough to think that the entire situation wasn't effecting him at all, but he did spend two days in a hotel thinking about it.


  1. I think Carol appears smarter towards the end, and did, in fact, play the oblivious student well in the beginning of the play, but I can't help think it is her "group" who is pulling the strings and persuading her actions. Even when she brings the group up the first few times, she seems very unsure of herself and her aims, but by the end, when she knows what power she and her "group" have over John, does she really find the total confidence in herself to lead her verbal attacks.


  2. I agree with you on this one, Zach. She appears to have been prepped by said group, and she continually uses the word "we" ("WE may press criminal charges"; "we have a list" - very few times does she use first person.

  3. i agree with your analysis of their clothing, though i interpreted her first garb as a way to show her desperation rather than silliness. Carol seems like she put a lot more forethought into her actions, and perhaps knew that John went through struggles i school. she might be trying to connect with him in order to get him to make offers.
