Monday, October 24, 2011

Readability is No Test for Literature?

. . .  There are plenty of entertaining reads that are part of the enjoyment of life. That doesn't make them literature. There is a simple test: "Does this writer's capacity for language expand my capacity to think and to feel?"

Subject matter is not the point. It might be socially relevant, or it might not. It might be historical, science fiction, a love story, a crime novel, a meditation in fragments. There is no point judging a novel by its subject matter; what is in vogue now will be out of date soon. Nobody reads Jane Austen because we want her advice on marriage. And we don't care that she lived right through the Napoleonic wars and never mentioned them once. Who cares about the Napoleonic wars now?  continue reading . . . 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

31 Days of Frankenstein . . .

Kind of fun blog posting on various filmed versions of Mary Shelley's iconic and always relevant Frankenstein . . .