Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Another Response Post

You write, " I think the intestines replacing the latched string symbolizes something even though the story doesn't go into much detail with it." I certainly agree with you. Though I'm much less familiar with this version,  I'd suggest they could symbolize the "insides" of someone/something showing despite a neat/clean/nice exterior. Since she notes its soft but doesn't actually NOTICE what it is, we've got a pretty implication that she, at the very least, doesn't pay attention to her surroundings.

This is true: "It is hard to believe that she eats her grandmothers teeth, jaw, and drinks her blood with out knowing,cannibalism, something must have tasted odd. She must have known , either that or she must be a blond." However, I'd suggest not thinking about it quite so literally, since many fairytales don't make much sense when interpreted at the literal level.

You write, "Red questions her fake grandma because she feels like there is something not right but at the same time she isn't sure." This is certainly an internal conflict, and this process could be interpreted as a conscious/unconscious dynamic: she already knows the truth subconsciously, but she can't allow herself to know it on a conscious level (doing so would likely destroy her, so it's a basically a defense mechanism). Or, perhaps it's that the consequences for ignoring one's gut/little voice are dire.

This is an interesting idea: "The ogre helps her loose her internal conflict by calming her down." Good observation. Perhaps it suggests that a woman is by nature rather hysterical and "needs" the logic of a man to calm her down?

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