Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blog post 1

After reading "My Last Duchess" my rankings did change but not significantly. I thought at first that you had to have an understanding of what the author is trying to say (authorial intent) in order to comprehend what the poem is about. After reading the poem, I felt like in order to understand it you have to understand the meaning behind the vocab/dialogue because the vocabulary and the choosing of words play a key role in analyzing. My top three rankings initially were: 1. Authorial Intent 2. An understanding traditional literary elements like characterization, symbolism, irony, setting point of view and narration among others 3.A clear understanding of vocabulary, including possible etymology of words. Now my rankings are: 1. A clear understanding of vocabulary, including possible etymology o words 2. An understanding traditional literary elements like characterizaion, symbolism, irony, setting point of view and narration among others 3. Authorial Intent.
I feel as though I am a feminist critic, I know for a fact that the styles of writing between a man and woman differ and I find it very interesting how women have been viewed over the period of years.

1 comment:

  1. i lingered a little on your last remark - i realized that it wasn't just the portrayal of female characters throughout the ages that sticks out to me, but also the writing of female authors. i was never a fan of writers like jane austen and the brontës, and thinking back i realize that the books i've read in school are primarily written by males. now i'm a little piqued by how women thought back then, and just why they pursued the directions of writing they chose.
