Monday, January 30, 2012

Blog Post 1 Eric de Souza

These were the higher ranked catagories before I read "My Last Duchess",:
1. Authorial intent
2. Understanding of traditional literary elements
3. Author's beliefs/values/personal experience, etc.
4. Understanding of vocabulary and etymology of words

These were the higher ranked catagories after I read "My Last Duchess":
1. Authorial Intent
2. Understanding of traditional literary elements
3. Scholarly context 

My rankings did change, however I still feel that knowing what the Author is trying to say will help me the most with understanding the text. It's always been hard for me to understand text when the author uses very intricate words and metaphors. Looking up words that I don't understand obviously helps a lot, so vocabulary shouldn't really be a problem. But for me to understand anything beyond the literal text, I've had to look up what other people came up with after they read it. Learning more about the Author on a more personal level shouldn't really matter when trying to understand the text, whose to say that their personal experiences will coorelate to their written work? I just really hope I'll have a better understanding of all creative forms of writing by the end of the semester. 

1 comment:

  1. Your ranking of categories after reading are Similar to the ones I selected also. All but the Scholarly context ranking which I conclude to be not as important as what the author thinks or values are since it may ultimately influence the outcomes of the authors writing. Just an idea, other than that I agree with your stances and good job.
