Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blog 1 Post (Luis Sumano)

I initially ranked the categories to reflect the authors intent and beliefs, but soon after I realized that you must have some background knowledge of the trends and the writing style set forth during that era. With this new perspective I realized the vocabulary has some different content and meaning from when it was written to present times.My rankings did change and I mainly chose authorial intent, clear understanding of vocabulary and modern cultural context to be top three as they are all focused upon in new criticism. I am mainly focused on reader response criticism since I myself like to interpret the actual meaning of poems and writing through my own interpretation. I find it to be a successful tool as to where each reader can interpret it differently and can have a coherent discussion about the true meaning of a poem and what the author meant to display as a theme.


  1. I had a similar response to the reading. After reading the post I had to reevaluate what elements I thought were important just because of the time period that the piece was written in. I also fall into the category of a reader response critic, good post, I’m glad someones on the same page as I am!

  2. Hi Luis,

    Enjoyed reading the post. You write, that "modern cultural context" is a part of New Criticism. It isn't. The others you mention certainly are, but we can't go outside the text and use beliefs, values, laws, etc. (whether contemporary or modern).
