Tuesday, October 9, 2012

blog 4
part one
1.  This short story "The Lottery" is twisted. Scarifying one person for the "greater good" of the others or the village in this case. The plot is short, events leading up to the sacrificial stoning start at the gathering of the village, drawing names, and the final act. In terms of characterization, the author did not go into much depth about the villagers. Only a couple were spoken about to give an idea of how the people were. The setting wasn't spoken of too much either. They were simply outdoors. The point of view was told in third person because there was no main characters as narrators and we were not brought into the story.
 part two 
     7.   The movie "The Hunger Games" and "The Lottery" have some in common. For example in both there is a drawing even though they are done slightly differently there still some kind of raffle that the villagers from "The Lottery " and the people from "The Hunger Games" are horrified by. In both situations someone must be sacrificed. The difference of one is that they stone a person for the "greater good" of the village, and in the other situation they sacrificed for entertainment of the bourgeoisie's. In both cases the bourgeoisies are in control and they are the ones who hold the events. The ideology of bourgeoisie does sustain in both story lines. 


  1. I agree with how you compared The Lottery and The Hunger Games. One thing to add that is different about the drawings is that is The Hunger Games people are allowed to volunteer while in The Lottery they can't. I think that even if people could volunteer in The Lottery they wouldn't.

  2. "One thing to add that is different about the drawings is that is The Hunger Games people are allowed to volunteer while in The Lottery they can't." I forgot about that part actually and that is a good point on how they are different. In the Hunger Games, Katniss volunteered herself in place of her sister and the bourgeoisie accepted it. But in The Lottery when the father tried to replace his wife with himself he was immediately shunned and they still killed the mother.
