Saturday, October 13, 2012

Blog 4 A. Leader

Group 1

Question 1: The short story version of “The Lottery” is written in third person. This let’s the reader to see all that is happening through the dialogue and everyone’s actions, and there aren’t any revealed thoughts from any of the characters. I believe this story was written in third person so the reader can decide what they think of the situation without any or little bias. When I read the story, I noticed that Tesse Hutchinson (whom arrived late) had a careless attitude about this lottery as if the odds are in her favor; however, when her family is chosen, she seems to be in denial and making up excuses when she says that her husband did not have a fair chance to choose the slip that he wanted. She also tries to say that she has many other children they can take. I was really surprised by her reactions because usually a mother would want her children to live and they would be willing to sacrifice their lives for their children, but this town does not seem to have the correct psychological mind set as someone “normal”. After her family is chosen, soon after it is revealed that Tesse is chosen to sacrifice her life for her town. When this is revealed, Tesse is trying every way to get herself out of this situation by saying it was not fair and it is not right. At the last moment of her life, she finally thinks it’s not right for them to hold this lottery but I really don’t think she believes that it is not right since she didn’t fight this reasoning before. She was just saying it wasn’t fair or right since she was the one being sacrificed.

Group 2

Question 5: The short story “The One’s Who Walk Away From Omelas” starts off with describing this dream place of a town that seems to be the best place that has ever existed. It talks about how everyone is always overjoyed and there isn’t any crime or troubles in this town; however, there is this one child that is starved and isolated in a dark room who is suffering that they show to the people of the town. Most of the people feel bad but go on their way through their daily lives but the few people who know this isn’t right leave the town without a fight and just walk away with no real direction in mind. The people who do walk away is very few and cannot really do anything about this. Their reasoning of keeping this child in a room is to show the harsh suffering possibilities so the other people of the town won’t take their lives for granted while in The Lottery has a similar mind set where they sacrifice a person per year to show suffering to the townspeople so they won’t take their lives or town for granted. And Felice continues to assure Jason that her town is better than his because they do not have any crime or troubles with anyone who lives there. Everyone gets along.

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