Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Blog 3 A. Leader

 Question 3:
    Physical descriptions is what labels you to others as they take that first glance. What you wear, what you look like, facial expressions, and body language help indicate the judgement others will have on you. No matter what, everyone has an instictive judgement the second they see someone. When Carol first arrives in the film Oleanna, her hair is loose as its half up with her curls every which way. She is wearing pants, a simple t-shirt, and a baggy coat that hides her body. At first glance, my judgement of Carol is she is innocent and particularly secluded. She continues to make eye contact with John as she maintains to say that she does not understand his discussions in class. The next time she meets up with John, her hair is pulled back in a tight braid and she is wearing more professional clothing. At this point, it is obvious that she is not visiting John about her grade any longer; this is when she begins to accuse John of sexual assault. She stands more upright and dominate as she continues to refer to "her group" who has decided to band certain books from this university.
     Changing perspectives to John, it is obvious he has a dominate personality and is very confident in himself and his teachings. He makes Coral's grade improvement about himself, as he tells her if she continues to come back and talk with him then she'll have an A. He stands upright and rarely makes eye contact with Coral because he just thinks of himself as he goes on about his book and teachings. He can really care less about Carol as a person, he just wants to talk about his accomplishments and makes it all about him. There are several phone calls that are made to John when he talks with Carol; however, he only answers the phone when Carol is talking about something he doesn't really care about but when he is speaking, he doesn't care to answer the phone and he just let's it ring. Everytime we see John he's wearing a suit, but towards the end when he realizes that he lost everything, he's just wearing his button-up t-shirt, his shoulders are more shrugged, and he couldn't care less about his appearance any more.

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