Sunday, November 18, 2012

Michael Hernandez's 6th soliloquy

Number Juan) theme-ify a story!

A theme i see in The Lottery is that "Things can not be judged by their outward appearance". this theme is developed, naturally, from the fact that readers generally view the lottery as a good thing up until the true nature us revealed in the end. what seems to be a nice community with security and strong bonds is actually a society bound to a gross tradition.

Number Too)  Explain the Drama-Bombs in the stories we read

 Exposition for Love in L.A is inferred rather than given. The given setting brings along with it a personality that we assign to Jake- his selfish, materialistic nature. His crappy car also gives insight into what kind of person he is. Mariana can also be assigned traits based on her actions and what she reveals regarding her car.

rising action would be the distracted driving and car crash that resulted in the conversation between the two characters. the climax might be when Jake gives Mariana his information and tells her she is beautiful. the falling action would be Jake revealing that all of the information is fake.  as  denouement, Jake continues on his way, daydreaming about being awesome.

i don't really consifder this very dramatic as far as drama goes. i wouldn't make an ABC or TNT series out of it anyway.


  1. To be honest with you I saw nothing good in The Lottery's beginning. You can't have something perfect and peaceful without some sort of retribution. I read a quote somewhere (can't remember where) that said something along the lines of "behind every good fortune there is a crime. I truly believe that, so as I read The Lottery I was thinking in the back of my mind "where's the catch". But that's just me :p

  2. I agree with you Fernanda everytime a "perfect" situation is propsed we seem to be programed to question "what is wrong" or "what is the catch"? Think of TV adds for loans or appliances; each add is appealing and seems ideal but after the add has ended no one goes running for the phone (well most people don't) because, we know their is a catch of some sort. I think society has programed us to persue and question "perfection".
