Friday, November 16, 2012

Blog Post #6

1. "To Build a Fire" thematic statement: When struggling to survive, human nature will be your greatest downfall.

2. In "Love in L.A.", the dramatic elements seem quite simple. The exposition, or background information, come when the author describes Jake's car. This shows what he wishes he could have and how he views himself. The rising action comes when he first hits Mariana's car. The climax is, of course, their conversation, where Jake comes off as somewhat of a jerk. The falling action is when he tries to hit on her and she continually denies him. The denouement, in my opinion, comes when he drives off because he feels a sense of freedom and she feels as though she's done the right thing by getting his information for the crash and denying his offer to go to breakfast with him.


  1. You have a very concise thematic statement, and I definitely agree with it. I also agree with your thought on their conversation as the climax. It's a turning point for the readers because our opinion on Jake changes.

  2. I also agree with your view on the climax because it does show Jakes true nature in action. It also gives more insight to the reader on Jakes personality
