Sunday, November 18, 2012

Blog 6, by Carson

1)   Thematic statement for A&P: Life is full of right and wrong decisions with random occurrences and your actions have a large impact on the outcome of your future.

2)   “Love in LA” drops right into the exposition of the first paragraph. In fact, the whole paragraph is dedicated to informing the reader the whereabouts and thoughts of the main character, Jake.  The rising action abruptly comes into play, as it should to simulate the real life surprising and dreadful moments in a car crash.  “…one second too late.” Is the exact moment the rising action is introduced.  If “Love in LA” has a climax, then it’s a very minuscule one.  The most climatic moment I can see are the last words Mariana says; “Call me”.  Even though she says it timidly, in a way it gives Jake hopes for the future.  The resolution immediately follows in the last paragraph of the story. Jake ponders and reflects about what has just happened and then proceeds on with his average day.  


  1. I definitely agree with your thematic statement of "A&P" that life is full of decisions and based on that is your outcome in life, but I also think the theme has something to do with standing up for what you think is right since the main character stands up for those girls at the end when he quits.

  2. I think you have a great thematic statement. It is clearly reinforced in the text; the main character quits his job on account of the mistreatment of the girls. This event was not planned but a quick last minute choice. He will now have to deal and live with his choice to quit on account of his values of whats right and wrong.

  3. I love you thematic statement. It really compliments what I also believe the theme is for A&P. Your statement definitely compliments the text in, which the guy makes a spur of the moment decision without really knowing if the girls are going to react to what he has done or even notice it. Of course they don't notice the sacrifice he has made for the, which defeats the entire purpose of what he has done. He quits without ever realizing or thinking about what the consequences of his decisions will have on his future and his life as a whole, but in that very instant it all that mattered was that the girls noticed him for standing up for him, but in the end not even that happened.
